Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund combines the flexibility of a private foundation with the tax advantages of a public charity. This kind of fund allows you to have your gift invested while you consider the purposes within the Archdiocese of Vancouver that you would like the fund to support.
To learn more about establishing a donor advised fund at the Archdiocese of Vancouver, please contact us. We can help provide you with information about how a donor advised fund would work for you based on your circumstances.
Establishing a Donor Advised Fund at the Archdiocese of Vancouver qualifies you for membership in the Catholic Legacy Society, which recognizes those who have made planned gifts to the Archdiocese of Vancouver or their parish. Please contact us for more information.
Types of Planned Gifts
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Gift Planning
Gift planning involves providing for a future gift to the Archdiocese of Vancouver or its parishes.
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