Religious Life

St. John Vianney Fund
Clergy Care Fund
Continuing Education Fund
Women's Vocations

St. John Vianney Fund

Under the leadership of Archbishop J. Michael Miller, the St. John Vianney Fund was established in 2015 at the annual Archbishop’s Dinner. The fund has since raised over $1 million to form holy, intelligent, competent, and pastorally-engaged men who strive to continue the work of Christ in their vocation as a priest in the Archdiocese.

Expense per Seminarian Amount
Eight years of Seminary studies $59,800
Stipend during Theological studies and Pastoral Year $11,200
Costs related to Application, Travel, and Ordination $15,200
Total Cost for Priestly Formation $86,200 or $25 per day

For more information, contact the Development Office.

St. John Vianney Newsletter

Read the latest updates on vocations and seminary life in Vancouver.

Clergy Care Fund

We are currently blessed with more than 100 Archdiocesan priests; priests who give over to the Church their entire life and retire at age 75. 

The Clergy Care Fund offers a way for us to give back to our Catholic priests who have served us so faithfully. The fund helps our Archdiocesan priests live modestly and peacefully in their retirement by providing supplementary medical care, accommodation, and renumeration to those who are in need.

You may also choose to support our retired priests through the St. Joseph Society Second Collection which is the pension fund for our retired priests. Click here for more information on Second Collections.

Clergy Continuing Education Fund

A prayerful and educated clergy is an essential ingredient of parish life especially considering the difficult moral and bioethical questions we face today: questions of human life, family life, and sexuality. In addition, there are new pastoral methods and new issues that previous generations of priests did not face. They need to be informed on these cultural shifts so they can respond to them in their preaching and ministry.

Continuing education and professional development helps to equip our priests with a wide perspective on the future of our Church, to read the signs of this time, to reach the people in the pews, and to provide critically needed assistance in various teaching ministries whether in our parishes and schools, to our seminary or in our Catholic colleges.

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Financially support Retired Priests

Financially support Priests' Education

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