Gift Planning Resources

您的律師能協助您關於法律用詞, 我們也歡迎並鼓勵他們致電我們的開發辦事處
604-683-0281 分機號 50316 或電郵 聯絡Henrietta Lam 捐獻策劃副主任。

“The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver”

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver is a corporation sole, incorporated in BC in 1908, as the entity that represents the Catholic Church in the geographical area designated as the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

Charitable Registration No.: 11884 9470 RR0004
Address: 4885 Saint John Paul II Way, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0G3

“The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, for the benefit of Name of Parish Program, City, Province.”

Include the address of the parish.
Charitable Registration No.: 11884 9470 RR0004

“The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, for the benefit of Name of Parish Program, Vancouver, BC”

Insert the appropriate Ministry and charitable number:

Catholic Charities – Charitable # 10687 9950 RR0001
Men’s Shelter – Charitable # 10687 9950 RR0003
The Door is Open – Charitable # 10687 9950 RR0001

“If, in the opinion of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, it should become impossible, inadvisable or. Impractical to use this gift for the specific purpose(s), then the Archdiocese may use the gift to the best advantage of the Archdiocese, keeping in mind the original wishes of the donor.”




Timothy Wan 溫梓昀
Remedios & Company,
#1010-1030 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2Y3


Rick Lam 林語良, CPA, CA, CFP, CLU, EPC
Rick Lam Financial
300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2



Mr. Stewart D. Hayashi
Investment Advisor and Vice President
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.,
2500-666 Burrard Street,
Vancouver, BC V6C 3B1
Phone 604-257-7330
Fax 604-257-7391

Mr. Richard D. Cheng
Investment Advisor and Vice President
BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.,
1800-855 W Georgia Street,
Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8
Phone 604-631-2628
Fax 604-631-2618

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Gift Planning

Gift planning involves providing for a future gift to the Archdiocese of Vancouver or its parishes.

Give Online

Give online to one of the many ministries, organizations, communities, and individuals in need.

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