Holy Rosary Cathedral

Our Parish Project

Our diocesan goal is $72,500. We would like to double this goal so that extra funds can go toward the building of a side altar with an encased reliquary for the relics of saints. Extra funds are also needed for refurbishing the main doors of the Cathedral as well as additional security features.
  • 00days left in our appeal

A Message from the Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

I thank those that have already made a pledge to Project Advance this year. I appeal to everyone to consider participating in this year’s campaign. Our combined efforts and in the spirit of stewardship, we will make a difference in strengthening many Archdiocesan and Parish programs and ministries. With your support, we will help meet the needs of our parish community and those of our wider community. My prayers and appreciation for your generosity in our Project Advance vision.

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Stanley Galvon

Make a gift to Holy Rosary Cathedral

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